Smart Groups are no longer compiling on the server
Corporate Software Inspector On-Premises Edition, Smart Groups have stopped
Smart Groups are stuck and not compiling. This may also show
as scan results not being returned or scans not completing and can also present
as other, random, console issues.
When the MySQL service (mysqld) is shut down before the Smart Group Daemon service (sgdaemon) is shutdown, currently generating items may be left in the in_progress=1 state.
The in_progress=1 state indicates that an item is currently in generation and should be ignored for further generations.
In the situation that an item has been left abandoned in this state, then usually the sgdaemon will automatically fix the item after 12 hours (controlled by theSMARTGROUP_GENERATION_ABANDON_INTERVAL settings). But if this does not happen, it has to be done manually.
Do the following to reset the Smart Group generation manually:
1) Determine if the Smart
Group Daemon is current running by executing the following command on the
$ service sgdaemon status
If the service is running you
will see the output shown below:
secunia-sgdaemon.php (pid
#####) is running...
[ OK ]
If the service is not running
you will see the output shown below:
secunia-sgdaemon.php is
2) If the Smart Group Daemon is
running then stop the daemon:
$ service sgdaemon stop
3) Ensure the mysqld service
is running (step 1.). If it is not running then start it (step 2.):
1. $ service mysqld status
2. $ service mysql start
4) Reset the Smart Group
generation to re-queue all items:
· Set
the items to in_progress=0 via the mysql console (replace 123456 with
the Customer ID):
use ca_123456;
UPDATE csi_smartgroups SET in_progress=0, generate_asap=1
WHERE in_progress=1;
use ca;
UPDATE csi_smartgroup_generation SET in_progress=0,
generate_asap=1 WHERE in_progress=1;
· Start
the sgdaemon service and allow it time to regenerate all of the Smart Groups
(you can view the progress in the Corporate Software Inspector console)
service sgdaemon start
Author: Fawad Laiq